Lunch | Dinner

One-Pan Salmon + Broccolini

(GF, RSF, DF, T)

Serves 1

An easy, no fuss lunch or dinner that provides you with good fats, a solid serving of protein and plenty of dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates and believe it or not, deliciousness. Add more veggies if you feel called to and enjoy!


  • 1 fillet of salmon (wild-caught recommended)
  • ½ bunch broccolini
  • Drizzle of Olive oil
  • 3 thin slices of lemon
  • Salt + Pepper

GF – Gluten free
RSF – Refined sugar free
DF – Dairy free
V – Vegan
T – Tran-seasonal
Best in spring // summer
Best in fall // winter


  1. Preheat oven to 200C //400F 
  2. Wrap your salmon fillet in either aluminium foil or parchment paper like little parcels. Seal the parcel by scrunching or folding above the fillet to create a little bit of space between the top of the fillet and the closed foil / paper
  3. Prior to closing the top of the parcel, drizzle salmon with olive oil and add salt and pepper
  4. Place 3 slices of lemon over the top of the fillet
  5. Place the salmon parcel on one side of a parchment lined baking tray
  6. Spread out your broccolini on the other side. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with S+P
  7. Bake for 10 mins 
  8. Test the fish by gently piercing the flesh with a knife – if it looks to pink, you can put it back in the oven until you have achieved the desired texture 
  9. Unwrap from parchment paper and serve immediately

    Serves 1

Black Bean Brownies

A delicious fiber-packed, fudge-like brownie to satisfy your sweet tooth and serve you with a hint of protein (thank you black beans).


Macadamia Moon Loaf

Adapted from the My New Roots Life Changing Bread, this loaf will be a staple in your life – You’re WELCOME! 
It is super simple to make and contains a variety of nuts and seeds that act as both healthy fats and quality protein – by noshing on this bread, you’ll be actively supporting your blood sugar levels and the ripple effect of that is like a hug to hormones, sleep, energy and so much more.


Loaded Veggie Pasta

Use the pasta base as a foundation to add in whatever seasonal veggies you have in your fridge. Think: Diced eggplant, chopped tomatoes, broccoli, green beans


Taro Fries

A golden batch of taro fries is an excellent source of dietary fiber and good carbohydrates, which both improve the function of your digestive system.


A Well Served Plate

We all have an innate knowledge of how to take care of ourselves but if we are overexposed to the noise of too many external opinions, our access to this personal formula can be compromised. Let’s simplify it here so you can choose your what, when, how and how much anytime you feel like it.many external opinions, our access to this personal formula
can be compromised. Let’s simplify it here so you can
choose your what, when, how and how much anytime you feel
like it.

Pantry Guide

A compilation of our favourite tried-and-tested US and AUS based brands to add to your kitchen essentials. A well-stocked fridge and pantry makes for deliciously nourishing food choices.

Nutrient Glossary

Over here at Body Medicine we truly see ‘Food as Medicine’ above all else. Mama Nature would want that for all of us. It’s empowering to understand that health is provided to us locally and sustainably and while supplements can be a huge benefit, nothing matters more than the very foundation of our diet.

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